Times have changed....
We all know that times are changing. There's no doubt about it. Today was a reminder to me at just how much things in my life have changed through the years. Oh, it has nothing to do with the economic conditions, the president in the White House or even some theological rantings from a political puppet. Nope, it hits closer to home for me....
Today, while I was doing the mundane, but relaxing, duty of watering my plants outside, I heard gunshots fairly close by and didn't even flinch. Not one eyelash fluttered. I just went on about my business. We do live out in the country after all and we can hear guns go off for any number of reasons, but mostly during hunting seasons. Don't think we're in an active one right now, but you never know around here. Gunshot sounds are commonplace.
A few minutes later, a small plane flew overhead and quite frankly made me jump and I dropped the hose. A small plane. I had to chuckle. I grew up a mere few blocks from O'Hare International Airport where we would hear on a consistent basis all kinds of planes and jets. I may not have known what a bush hawg was when I moved to Tennessee (I do now) but I could tell you whether it was a Boeing 727 or 747 taking off and on which runway, which type of fighter jet was on maneuvers or whether it was a Piper or Cessna coming in for a landing, back in the day. Most kids would count sheep to try to go to sleep... we could count planes and they were really there.
I've only been down here less than 8 months. A lot has changed for me. Just 8 months ago, it would have been the gunshots that would have stricken fear in my heart and sent me running for cover. Certainly not the sound of some little plane flying overhead. We don't get many plane in these parts. I think this is only the 2nd, maybe 3rd, time I've even heard one since I've been here. A far cry from the constant sound near O'Hare and Midway airports. As a matter of fact, we don't even hear the constant drone of traffic. Oh occassionally, like maybe once a week or so if the wind is blowing just right, we might actually hear one of the trucks go by on the road about a mile down.
Nope, the drone sound we hear these days are the tree frogs and when the weather was cooler in the spring, the sound of mockingbirds and their mating calls. We hear birds on the loose and every once in a while, I'll hear the two little boys playing outside with their dad at the next house over, but that's only if I'm out in the yard.
We live in a town where the police chief was turned down for the funding to get a part time officer because our crime rate is too low. Quite the change from the town we lived in where a retired police sergeant is in jail for killing his third wife and suspected of killing his fourth. I even had to chuckle last week when the youth leaders at church were freaking out because one of the boys brought in a ring snake, a tiny little thing, in a box to show everyone. It actually was kinda cute so you can imagine how unintimidating it had to be for this Chicago girl to be in the same room with it. I think I have bracelets bigger than he was. Far cry from the youth groups up there where we had to be concerned with guns and knives being brought in.
Yep, things are changing.... and not one bit of it is due to any stimulus packages or political rhetoric coming out of Washington. It's been by the grace of God that we are where we are and we couldn't be happier with these changes. Life is slower, people are more laid back (ok, that takes some getting used to) and priorities in lives are family, friends and loved ones. We love this land and the people in it. A long way, baby, from the streets of the Bronx where Oliver spent his hey day and the streets of suburban Chicago that once held my dreams and aspirations. Quiet, tranquility, peace that has no words. Yep, times have changed... Thank-You Jesus!